Lighthouse Law Club

All the latest views from the Lighthouse Law Club


It's time to end the fraud! 


American National Mortgage Foreclosure Moratorium


Foreign bankruptcy trustees operating unlawfully on American soil have fronted false claims and have been generating invalid mortgages in this country since 1909.


As a result of this venerable, widespread and pernicious fraud found throughout the mortgage industry and throughout the administrative functions of the UNITED STATES, INC. and the USA, INC. seeking to mischaracterize millions of Americans as federal Territorial and/or federal Municipal citizens, we are calling for an American National Mortgage Foreclosure Moratorium.


Out of thousands of mortgages we have examined we haven’t found a single enforceable security interest involved in any mortgage floated by any bank or savings and loan institution. All these claims lack any equitable consideration to back their claim of enforceable security interest.


This means that the Secretary of War /Secretary of Defense and the Generals responsible have failed in their duty under the Lieber Code since 1913 and that America and Americans have been plundered in violation of both national and international law under color of law ever since. 


This gigantic underlying fraud is sufficient cause to void all contracts, all obligations, all deeds, all mortgages, and all titles merely presumed to exist unless it is proven in open court that these same Americans have willingly, knowingly, and under conditions of full disclosure accepted actual and not merely voluntary or symbolic federal employment and have agreed to accept the burdens of federal Territorial and/or Municipal citizenship that result. 


We note that even if Americans have accepted actual federal employment and have accepted the burdens that entails, including citizenship in the foreign delegated jurisdiction of the United States, they are still owed equal civil rights. We will also note that upon retirement from any federal service presumptions of federal citizenship must cease. Finally, and importantly, all such federal citizens are still protected from foreclosure and sheriff sales at the state level under the provisions of TARP as of February 2009.


Thus, if you are an American state national or American State Citizen and have a mortgage, you are the victim of international crime and are owed both remedy and recompense from the perpetrators which includes the liquidation of any mortgage held against your NAME and the return of your assets free and clear and the return of the escrow plus interest denominated in lawful money.


Even if you are legitimately a Federal United States or Municipal United States citizen, you are owed equal civil rights and protection, and any property held in your NAME is protected from state level sheriff’s sale by TARP as of February, 2009.


For all these reasons and more it is time for a Foreclosure Moratorium to be imposed throughout the actual land jurisdiction United States as well as the Territorial and Municipal United States. The members of Congress and the Trump Administration must be made aware of these facts and held accountable.

We recommend that you print off and send a copy of this letter to every member of Congress and to President Trump and the members of his Administration, the federated State of __________Governors, the local Judges and District Attorneys, federated County Sheriffs and others who need to know.



A Strategic Offensive by 'The People'


With the release of our latest video presentation 'Run Bankers Run' (see below) we are announcing that it is time that the people draw a line in the sand and take up the legal and spiritual means to take on the Money Changers and their minions 'Head On'!  This includes of course the derelict politicians who do their bidding, The corrupt judges who choreograph the bloody battlefield and the attorneys who corral the victims and throw the lances.

Here's an overly abbreviated synopsis of how everyone in the Western world has been affected by a stolen inheritance and a dimmed future for your progeny.


'Money of account' (as opposed to 'lawful money) in our system is 'credit' or promises to pay which never get paid.  Since we no longer use lawful money, nothing ever gets 'paid'. We only have the franchise privilege to 'discharge' one obligation in exchange for another.   We the people are the creators, or issuers of the 'credit' (money) when we create promises i.e. mortgage notes, loan and credit card agreements etc.  This is how money is created as was explained by the Federal Reserve themselves in their now out of print publication 'Modern Money Mechanics'.    


Now, looking at a mortgage situation, say you take out a mortgage today for $100,000.  It wasn't too long ago (with higher interest rates) that the total payments owed on a 30 year mortgage would be around $300,000.  Well, you 'created' the $100,000 when you signed the note right?  Where does the other $200,000 come from?  We have a shortfall in money supply.  This shortfall 'requires', in a mathematical certainty that a large portion of the mortgages 'are designed to fail'!  Enter stage left, the foreclosure process.   And in this example we haven't given the complete story or even scratched the surface of what we'll be getting into to expose the fraud of the banking and finance system which has been forced upon us. 


'Run Bankers Run' is a coordinated effort to expose the ongoing, incessant and multiple methods of fraud which has been used by the bankers to steal the future from every living man and woman in the western world.  But that's not enough.  We'll be 'outing' the fraudsters and ganging up on them in the court of public record as well as the court of public opinion.


Here's the plan:

- We'll provide a series of educational videos to expose to the world the methods of fraud used by the bankers and their minions to steal from you and everyone else and how they have been doing it for generations.


- As a part of our Peoples' Army you will share these videos and discuss them in every discussion group, coffee clutch and social gathering place you can find.  


-   We'll start providing the remedies and going after the criminals for fraud and a whole list of crimes too long to print here.  Our peoples' army will be a phalanx of knowledgeable truth warriors armed with evidence, grit, law and the prosecutorial penetration we need to put the fear of God into these highway bandits and their protectors.  They will have no place to run.   If they barricade themselves in the courtroom and deny our lawful redresses, we'll nail them to the cross in the public square with a high profile and personal 'disclosure' program which will get more attention than any alien ever could!


That's the idea.  Stay tuned for more details coming up soon! 




Put on your sunglasses. 
The light will be going on! 


If you follow any news at all you know very well that the globalist elite leaders have been trying their best to destroy western civilization for the past 6 years or more with uncontrolled immigration.  Volumes have been written on that subject and that's not the point of this article.


Put aside the politics, the globalist agenda, the social ramifications, the economic arguments for cheap labor and all that rhetoric a moment.  You know all that already.  Books can be written on that and have been.


Now, shift your mindset to what we are learning and what we know (or should know) about how the Birth Certificate is the first of multitudes of documents created in YOUR NAME, with full faith and credit, which are converted into security instruments and each one is traded in the financial markets for millions of dollars apiece!


Now, look at all those nice people, coming in waves over the border with warm Homeland Security buses waiting to take them to their new homes in the breadbasket of the USA.  Welcome!  Come one!  Come all!


Aside from the social engineering benefits to destroy the western world, here's why....


If you were a globalist, you'd be thinking that each one of these nice people is going to have a;


- social security card - 'cha-ching!'

- green card - 'cha-ching!'

- drivers license - 'cha-ching!'

- EBT card - 'cha-ching!'

- perhaps a military ID  - 'cha-ching!'

- perhaps a passport eventually - 'Cha-ching!'

- voter ID - 'cha-ching!'

- and more!


And really, who cares if they are criminals and will terrorize, kill and maim others?  Our eugenics plan with vaccines, gmo's, chemtrails, big pharma and the AMA,  will get them sooner or later anyway, so that doesn't matter!  Think of the trillion$ we can make off of the millions of immigrants, legal or otherwise and all the securities they will generate for us!  Come!  We have Nice apartments with food, liquor, tattoos, and big screen TV's for you.   No problem! 


Get it?

Our members are learning how to tap into these 'stolen securities' which are worth millions and flip from being the 'debtor and surety' to answer to all 'charges' and instead become the 'creditor and beneficiary' and reclaim those accounts, so we can 'at least' live as well as the immigrants!  (if not a whole lot better!) 


Knowledge is Power.  Grab it while you can!   Join the law club!








by Lana




I have seen a very dark night of the soul that many prophets are facing right now. There has been an assault against the prophets in the last month or so that has been unlike anything I have ever seen before. 




The Lord spoke to me recently and said that the enemy is RAGING MAD. He is going after the prophets to silence them and to bring them to a standstill.




It has been an incredible onslaught for many, and there has been a spirit of witchcraft that is attempting to kill the prophets right now in many ways. The whole intention of this onslaught is to steal their voice, render them useless and cause them to run. What many of you are facing right now is the darkest night you have faced in a long time, but I want to encourage you “YOU ARE GOING TO MAKE IT! HERE COMES THE SUN!!!” 




There has been so much fear, terror, torment of the mind, pressure and fire coming against you lately, and it has catapulted many of you into what feels like a dark night of the soul. There is a spirit of thieving that is prowling around attempting to steal from the prophets, but you are going to not be stolen from as you continue to stand and fight with truth. Know that you are moving into a greater season of INCREASE.




I want to encourage you that in the midst of the darkness, in the midst of the enemy raging mad, the Lord is doing a deep work. In the midst of the enemy attempting to take you out, there is a great shaking, where all that is not found in Jesus is coming to the surface. God is doing a very deep work in your hearts and souls to bring healing, freedom and wholeness. The Lord is establishing a new foundation of TRUTH in the hearts and souls of the prophets. (John 17:17)




Keep PROPHESYING LIFE over your yourself! Keep declaring LIFE over your life!!!! 




The REVELATION of TRUTH is going to a whole new level for you in this season. The Lord is teaching you what it is to fight with His Word and the prophetic words that He has given you. I know many of you feel like you are dying like you are not going to make it, the torment and weariness has become unbearable for many of you, but I want to encourage you, now is the time to FIGHT with TRUTH like you never have before.




You are not going to die! The exact OPPOSITE is true! The Lord is breathing upon you, and you are being healed, delivered, set free, restored, healed and catapulted. You are moving into the promise of John 10:10 – that Jesus came to give life and life more abundantly. 




The Lord is birthing you right now as an OVERCOMER. You already are an OVERCOMER and VICTORIOUS in Christ, it is already yours, but the Lord is AWAKENING the REVELATION and MANIFESTATION in your life of your VICTORY!




The warrior in you is being brought to life in a whole new way. The warrior in you is being awakened with FIRE. 




There is a new ROAR that is about to come out of you. Where the enemy has attempted to silence you, you are going to DECREE and ROAR with more authority than you have ever experienced. 




Chains will suddenly break off God’s people as you speak. The enemy will shake and tremble as the ROAR of the Lord is released through your voice. 




The darkness may be dark and heavy right now, but the breakthrough is beginning. You are forerunning the VICTORY message of the Lord right now. 




You are birthing, and it is painful, but the LIFE that is going to come forth is going to be explosive. Resurrection life will flow INTO your life and THROUGH your life. The power of God will manifest IN your life and THROUGH your life like you have never seen before. 




The Lord is teaching you in greater ways how to fight right now. He is increasing your understanding. He is taking you higher, increasing your clarity, insight and revelation and awakening you to your authority and how to use it. 




Where you thought you were coming to a complete standstill, the opposite is true, you are about to move in the greatest acceleration and empowerment of His Spirit you have experienced, that will catapult you into a whole new land and level of VICTORY. There is an increase of anointing upon you right now! 








I have seen a spirit of fear attacking many of the prophets in regards to their dreams and what they are seeing as they sleep. I want to encourage you that the Lord is releasing STRATEGY in dreams to bring breakthrough and INCREASE. 




The Lord will show you your TRIUMPH and VICTORY that is upon you. He will show you the INCREASE that is upon you. He will show you your place of VICTORY! The Lord is uncovering the enemy’s strategy in the DREAMS of the prophets right now so they will be dismantled and overcome. 




I prophesy DESTINY DREAMS are upon you. The Lord is releasing greater INSIGHT of what is to come in the plans He has for your life. (Jeremiah 29:11) Don’t be afraid of them, because they are not only going to include what your heart is desiring and you have been dreaming about with Him, it will include what is to come, which will be the “CHERRY ON TOP INCREASE”.




I prophesy over you that you are going to begin to experience a deeper reality of Ephesians 3:17-20:




“Then, by constantly using your faith, the life of Christ will be released deep inside you, and the resting place of His love will become the very source and root of your life, providing you with a secure foundation that grows and grows. Then, as your spiritual strength increases, you will be empowered to discover what every holy one experiences – the great magnitude of the astonishing love of Christ in all its dimensions. How deeply intimate and far-reaching is His love! How enduring and inclusive it is! Endless love beyond measurement, beyond academic knowledge – this extravagant love pours in you until you are filled to overflowing with the fullness of God. Never doubt God’s mighty power to work in you and accomplish all this. He will achieve infinitely more than your greatest request, your most unbelievable dream, and exceed your wildest imagination! He will outdo them all, for His miraculous power constantly energizes you.” (The Passion Translation)




These truths will not only burn in you with greater conviction, you will know what it is to walk in greater manifestation of these truths, and teach and prophesy the deep revelatory jewels contained within these passages. As you go deeper into the depths of His Spirit in these verses, you will teach them with fire flowing from your mouth. The Holy Spirit will set these words on fire as the revelation pours from within you breaking chains and setting captives free and igniting others with the impartation for greater prophetic dreams. 








There is a great revisitation upon you to some of the greatest encounters that you have had with Jesus in your life. The Holy Spirit will be taking you back to these encounters in the Spirit that changed your life. You will revisit them and the Lord will bring tremendous healing and deliverance to you in them and catapult you further out of this darkness. But also, in this revisitation you will see the WINDS OF THE SPIRIT RAGING!!! They are increasing in power and His WIND will pick you up and catapult you into a whole new season of visitation. 




The enemy has been screaming to many of the you ‘strategies’ that are false and not from the heart of God. These strategies can be recognised because they contain ‘no freedom’ and the lie that ‘the only way to get breakthrough is to move this way’ – but the way it is leading the prophets is bringing them much pain, heartache and terror. I decree over you that the STRATEGY of Jesus for your breakthrough right now will bring you PEACE, JOY and RELIEF… EVEN IN the darkness you are walking through and out of. 




As you step further IN, in these REVISITATIONS, deeper into the secret place, the Lord is going to release incredible clarity to you that will bring healing. Fear’s grip will break! Fear WILL flee! The cyclical things that have tormented you your whole life, the pain you have endured since being a child, the trauma, the terror, the shame, the generational, lifelong strongholds and land/s the enemy has occupied in your life is being LOST. YOU and JESUS are taking it back and you are moving into the greatest manifested victory of your life. You are moving into your inheritance and portion of healing, wholeness, breakthrough and freedom. 








EVERYTHING is going to change because of the FIRE OF HIS LOVE UPON YOU!!!! The fire of His love is going to SOOTHE and REVIVE your soul and you will be made WHOLE.








Where there has been so much darkness and so much trouble, the Lord is now decreeing VICTORY upon VICTORY over you! It will be a DOMINO EFFECT of VICTORY in your favour. Things will happen fast! 




Not only will you see a back to back victory and the SUN will BREAKTHROUGH again, you will be catapulted into a whole new level.




As you step further and further out of this darkness, you are stepping further and further into acceleration. Opportunities will abound and you will move forward with a boldness and fearlessness that you have not known. You will step forward into “opportunities of a lifetime” that the enemy has attempted to keep you away from “for a lifetime”. You are stepping into your Esther and Joseph moments of release into a new level of your destiny and as you continue to lean into Jesus, stepping further and further into the secret place, you will NOT be stopped. You will tread upon the head of the enemy as you walk down your “red carpet of victory”. The blood of Jesus has set you free, and before you is a land of favour and increased victory!




You are about to SEE why the enemy has been RAGING MAD and why this assault came against you. But I prophesy over you that you will come out of this assault, stronger than when you went in. It has been a dark night of the soul, and the Lord has used it to MAKE YOU WHOLE and add INCREASE to you. This intense moment of pruning was needed for your PROMOTION. The enemy has been shouting ‘demotion’, ‘step back’ but the truth is what the Lord is saying ‘promotion’, ‘increase’. 




I felt the Lord say “BOOKS WILL BE BIRTHED FROM THIS SEASON.” What you are learning and gleaning from Jesus in this dark night of the soul and incredible onslaught, many of you will birth BOOKS with strategy, teaching and revelation to release to the body of Christ to further equip them in fighting the good fight of faith. The CORE THEME of these books will be TRUTH and the POWER OF THE WORD OF GOD (Hebrews 4:12) and the POWER of using your prophetic words to WAGE WAR.








What you are walking through, isn’t just about you!!!!




There is a spiritual showdown happening over your life right now. Like Elijah on Mount Carmel with the prophets of Baal in (1 Kings 18) – those “prophets of baal” are raging mad, they are making a lot of noise, and where you have found your situation impossible, the darkness has become so dark, so heavy and there has been so many tears. Where it looks like you cannot even see your breakthrough or when and how God is going to show up, stand with Him, because He is parting the seas before you.




He is about to show up in POWER in your life to demonstrate His power, authority and victory to ignite you with fire, His fire that cannot be contained. The altar of your heart is going to BURN like never before with passion and love for Jesus. His fire will bring a great SEPARATION and CLARITY to the voices that you have been hearing. The enemy’s voice that has attempted to mask itself to sound like the Lord is being EXPOSED and your clarity and accuracy of hearing significantly INCREASED. 




You are forerunning right now. He is birthing you as an overcomer prophet that is about to arise in a whole new way. When you arise, the spirit of Elijah will be released through you, the fire of God into the body of Christ to ignite and herald a greater awakening of the overcoming spirit. It’s beginning now, but it’s about to increase dramatically. 




This is WHY the enemy has been trying to kill you and take you out, so you don’t overcome, birth and see that fire released through you to see the activation of the awakening of the fire of the overcomer in the Church. 



The Lord’s decree over you right now is “HERE COMES THE SUN!!! HERE COMES THE SON!!!!!” – You are coming out, you are going to make it!!! His Words through you will drip with anointing, increase and the breaker anointing and impartation of victory to see the Church AWAKENED WITH FIRE to the greater revelation of LIBERTY and VICTORY!!!!



The democrats have openly denied God! 


Tuesday night President Trump gave his first speech to a joint session of Congress which was seen and lauded by millions and millions around the world.  You've seen the reviews and commentary on it so I won't rehash the commentary other than to make note that, even his honest detractors had to admit that it was a spirit filled and unifying speech.  Pundits on both sides of the aisle made a special note that the most unforgettable moment in the history of presidential speeches was the nearly 2 minute, emotional, standing ovation giving honor to the sacrifice of a fallen Navy SEAL, while his surviving wife stood in the gallery with uncontrollable emotion and tears streaming down her face.  Even one of his most ardent 'Never Tump' adversaries, Obama minion of division and strife, Van Jones said, "This was the moment Donald Trump became president." 

Who could deny this moment of raw emotion, honor and sacrifice?  Who could resist paying homage to a family who has paid the ultimate price for their country?  The democrats, that's who!   
This shot below was taken during this memorable and historical moment and you can see them refusing to stand to give honor where honor is so clearly due! 



But that's not all.  Here's the kicker....


Trump:  "We are one people with one destiny.  We all bleed the same blood.  We all salute the same great American flag.  And we all are made by the same God!"

Roaring applause ensued from the Republican side of the chamber.  Again, democrats, sitting on their hands refusing to acknowledge the obvious. 

You likely are aware of the biblical scripture in which Jesus says, "Whosoever shall deny me, I shall also deny them before the Father."  

All I can say is... may they repent while they still can! 

Here are some other points and issues the democrats refused to acknowledge or applaud, for anyone who is keeping score (I was).... 

  • - open use of the term 'Radical Islamic Terrorism'
  • - the idea that it's reckless to allow immigrants in from countries known for terrorism, when proper vetting cannot be done.
  • - the idea of appointing a Supreme Court Justice who will defend the constitution
  • - the idea that we should work together to help immigrants who are already here
  • - a comprehensive plan to rebuild the nation's infrastructure and put people to work.
  • - repeal and replace Obamacare which is clearly destroying health care in America and impoverishing people and businesses.
  • - making health care more available, to more people, with more options and at lower cost
  • - the idea that Obamacare is simply unsustainable.  It is collapsing and there is no other choice but to admit the democratic disaster and do something about it.
  • - the idea of protecting all Americans
  • - provide a plan for Americans which they; want, can afford, can use, they can select and not have it forced on them by the government. 
  • - provide options for health care people can purchase across state lines so it's more affordable. The state exchanges are literally collapsing.
  • - put aside petty differences and bickering and come together to get the job done for the American people.  Dems don't want this. 
  • - work together for clean air, water, better infrastructure.  Nope. Not this either. 
  • - cut unnecessary FDA regulations and bureaucracy so that life saving and life altering medicines can get to the market quicker and help the people who need them!  Nope. 
  • - provide school choice for minorities.  They sat mute. 
  • - the idea that our president and the concept of an individual nation is the best vehicle to express the will of the people and that our president should represent the will of the people and not 'the world' or supranational organizations.  They didn't like that idea either. 


Folks, this is historic.  We are watching the democratic party alienate themselves from not only their constituents who have any active brain matter still functioning, but also from their own party and the people of the nation.  The democratic party is dissolving like an Alka Seltzer tablet in water, right before our very eyes!  They have lost over 1000 seats in state and national houses of government since 2009 and they just keep digging themselves deeper, and deeper and deeper with every lie they can come up with.

To oppose the concepts as outlined above is simply to oppose the idea of peace and prosperity for humanity.  There is no other way to look at it.

- Nancy Pelosi has remarked just recently that George Bush is still president and thinks we have to pass laws to find out what's in them. 

- Maxine Waters thinks Russia has attacked Korea!

- Chuck Schumer said this week that President Trump hasn't done anything so far to live up to his promises. 

- Another democrat in the House, whose name I can't recall, thinks that if an island gets too populated, it could capsize! It's on video and he was serious!

- All democrats think that if you are critical of them, 'You are a Russian agent'! 

All of this is comically ludicrous and one can only wonder...who could possibly support these people? 

But the fact that they have denied God in front of the world, is startling and horrifying.  There is only one entity who hates humanity so badly that he wants not only to destroy it but also to create as much pain and anguish to God's people as he can.  This is Satan himself. 

And we are staring at his coveted minions, face to face, in this photo above.   This is the face of evil incarnate.  If you are a supporter of these people, you seriously need to re-think your position and pray to God for forgiveness. 

Share this article.  Raise it up in discussion.  Let people know what is really happening here. 

We're not talking politics.  We're talking about your eternity! 

Let those who have eyes, see.  And let those who have ears hear.  There's not much you can do for the others.  


