We are continually developing Advanced Training Libraries on various subjects with your help.  Your recommendations and informational input enables us to continue working on piecing together successful tracks we can run on from the multitude of rabbit trails found on the net.    Who do you know who is achieving regular success in our subjects of interest?  We need to connect.

These libraries contain educational background, procedural pathways, sample documents which you MUST change and adapt for your purposes.  Forms and correspondance, pertinent research material and related information are all designed to present any particular subject matter in a capsulized format.  We strive hard to put together only the information which has been used and tested by others to give you the best chance at achieving success.  Having said that, every case is different, every person has a different level of competence to prosecute their own case, every case has different actors involved and all of these variables lead to one conclusion.... It's pretty much a crap shoot what results you might expect!  It largely depends on you, your foundational knowledge, your mental state, your preparation, your discipline to stay on track and not be conned into traversing to your opponents arguments and so on.  

These libraries contain some extremely powerful research and information proven effective in many cases when used properly.  Remember though, bullets and rifles don't win the war in the trenches. It's the trained and gutsy soldiers who know how to use them most effectively to their advantage and who are best prepared who have a chance at winning.  Everything contained in this material is only for educational and informational purposes and is not to be construed to be legal advice or instruction.  Everyone’s situation is different and you must do your own research, preparation, create your own documents and establish your own path to success for whatever your intended goal might be.  In the end, you must accept full responsibility for your actions and be prepared to defend your position, whatever it may be.  Personal sovereignty requires 100% accountability! 

Important Tip:  don't just start throwing documents and research around. Understand who you're dealing with, what your end objective is in specific terms, make sure you're dealing with the correct parties, take the time to study prepare on all related issues, understand the process and how to use it, and be prepared to stand up and verbally defend your position without any paper crutches at all!   If you can do that... You have a chance at regaining your territory and holding it! 

The best approach is to know the material, internalize, adapt that to your situation and use the recorded conference calls along with the members forum for support and extra clarification when needed.

Below are links to our current libraries.  Check back periodically for updates and enhancements.