Lighthouse Law Club

To Protect This: 
You need this: 

Full member benefits outline:

Spring Special Bonus Offer!

Good thru May 2024

Disclaimer:   THE LIGHTHOUSE LAW CLUB is a self study - self help program with the only intent and purpose being to help you expand your knowledge and education on a wide variety of topics.  We make no claims of performance or results of any kind and any information you may use from our libraries is entirely at your own risk and responsibility.  Nothing works for everyone all the time and in our world of corruption at every level, you must be prepared to stand on your own two feet to meet any challenges which come along.  This is where education is of vital importance. The more you know, the better your chances of fending off evil and corruption when it rears its ugly head. We do not take on cases and we offer no form of legal advice or legal services. 

The following is an abbreviated outline of the benefits of being a Full Member in the law club.

People Ask: ‘What’s Included?’

Here’s the answer…

The Full 'Lifetime' Membership Includes


The IRS Freedom Course. 

Sign up for our email bulletin to learn more
The Resources are too numerous to mention, but these are some of the folders each containing a variety of resources: 

Education & Training folder packed with useful resources
Notice of Offer of Performance - when asked to pay any amount
Jurisdiction Killer - nip it in the bud
Treasury Filing Statement - used instead of filing a 1040
Liens and Levies - uncovering the fraud and what to do about it
Tax court petition kit
I am not a 'U.S. taxpayer' - declaration based on legal definitions
Various rebuttal letters based on the law
Full webinar explaining the simple concept of blocking the only 2 roads that they travel on.
Revocation of Election - electing to 'un' volunteer
Ministry Exemption Strategy - for those who can live up to it
Taking the High Road when they violate their own 'Taxpayer Bill of Rights' -
and they always do
How to protect yourself when they continue to act as criminals
More on the IRS

- Subsection: Withholding
- Subsection: Liens & Levies
- Subsection: FATCA & SARS
- Subsection: Decoding the IMF
- Subsection: Current News
- Subsection: Salvation in Section 83
- Subsection: Dealing with Demands for Payment
- Subsection: To File or not to File?
- Subsection: Frivolous arguments lead to trouble
- Subsection: Don’t Argue - Agree with a Conditional Offer
The Money Book

Turning the Tables On the Money Changers

This resource is an extensive research and training manual that you'll have access to

to at no additional cost which will allow you to master the money system.  

You will understand how money works, what money is,

where it comes from and in doing so you will be able to 

essentially be your own bank creating as much credit aka ‘money’

as you will ever need, all according to the law.   


The critical research takes you step by step

through the training which is intensive study of the law

regarding money, negotiable instruments, banking and being a private banker. 

You’ll know more than 99.9% of Wall street bankers and BAR attorneys. 

This invaluable resource will make you will be master of your own destiny.  



But The Money Book is only one phase of the course. Beyond the knowledge

and training sessions on 'money'  you will then advance and learn how to achieve Endless Freedom and be able to ‘Come Out of Babylon' in practical, real life terms.


Forget about all these complicated processes and paperwork dealing

with legal status correction, SPC et al.  You’ll start the advanced training

by learning to kill all contracts which tie you to the system such as the Driver’s License, Marriage License, Business License,SS-4 S.S. application etc. 


You'll learn how most everything is contract and how you've

been fraudulently induced due to lack of full disclosure.  The U.S. Supreme Court has

ruled in United States v. Throckmorton 98 U.S. 61 that fraud vitiates all contracts.


There are benefits to operating with your public corporation all caps name and you’ll be

able to keep those while at the same time living free from the corporate/statutory world as

a free man or woman in your 'living' capacity as a child of God.


This training enables you to separate yourself from all federal & state corporate

compelled performance statutes relating to taxes, registrations and so much more.


This course alone is worth 100X the price of membership.

What’s freedom worth to you?


There is no better value on the planet. 

The Full Lifetime VIP membership is only $1495.


Get Started



Plus there's more with:  Advanced Training Libraries

Each Topic listed here is its own section containing one or more folders with various and
numerous; manuals, papers, documents, templates, and instructions in each folder.

Beat the Bankers

Come Out of Babylon

Affidavits of Obligation (Hartford Van Dyke's original material and more)

Contractual Business Organizations (Business trusts)

Corporate Legal Document Templates

Declaration as an Ambassador for the Kingdom of Heaven - Legal Memorandum

DeProgramming Master File - UCL

Fireside Chats

Fight Back with a Criminal Complaint

Legal Status Correction

Research Corrupt Judges and expose their bribes

Spiritual Renewal

Trademark, Tradename & Copyrights

When You are Arrested...

Win in Court - Subrogation

Topic Related Packages Files;

-  Initial Contact

 - Winning in Court

 - Strategic Boot Camp

 - Uncovering Bribes

 - Travel by Right

-  The Art and Science of Financial Privacy

-  The Life and Lifestyle of the PT

-  The Insiders Rolodex

Base Camp

Part I: Getting started with fundamentals

- Introduction Video
- Quick References - 4 Articles on Fundamental Issues for clarity
- The Vision of the Law Club - Video - Creating Synergy with like-minded members
- Strategic Planning Video Workshop. Determining a personal strategy that works
for you and then implementing a customized plan with your own priorities to focus on and
avoid ‘information overload’.

Part II: Recon, Doing Legal Research References;

- Video The basics of doing legal research
- The Erwin Rommel School of Common Law
- George Gordon’s School of Common Law

Part III: Maps - Courtroom Procedure

- Numerous ideas, references & resources

Part IV: Self Governance

- 6 different subsections

Books, Charts, White-papers, and Research Documents to Download.

- Asset Protection: 3 very rare and powerful finds you will cherish!

- Business Banking & Finance: 7 different treasures

- Common-Law: 5 historical treatises which you are unlikely to find anywhere else!

- Contract & Commercial Law: 15 powerful revelations of historical importance and useful documents you can use today.

- PT Lifestyle, Preparation & Escape: 3 Classic Writings to move you to the ‘next level’ in your strategy

- Right to Travel: 3 critical writings on this important issue.

- Self Defense & Survival: 13 different training sessions on practical ways to defend yourself in everyday life.

- Uniform Commercial Code: 4 Quick Reference Charts to help you immediately understand the UCC.

NATF Members Forum

Interact with other members and learn from their experiences.

Private Consultations

Private consultations with Mark are on a time available basis.
He does not consult on legal/court cases or provide legal advice  
$150 pre-paid for up to 2 one-hour sessions.

Recommended Services

We’ve compiled a list of vetted third-party service providers
to help you achieve specific objectives

to complement your membership benefits.

Theaters of Operation

Each section has various subsections and multiple contents therein

- Initial Contact & Travel

- Bank Fraud

- Business Banking & Finance

- Cash Flow Solutions

- Commercial Law

- Contractual Business Organization - Business Trust

- Debt Elimination

- Foreclosure

- International Business & Lifestyle Opportunities

- Legal Status Correction

Video Workshops

The Private Asset Management System (PAMS)

Escape the Matrix

Change your Legal Status - Practical Matters

Stop Withholding

The Previous Taxpayer

The Private Traveller

...and if that isn't enough, we're adding new information on a regular basis.


                                               But Wait!  There's more!!

Bonus #1:

Free access and invitations to the weekly, live, Fireside chats

for ongoing support and live coaching.
A $500 retail value! 
(Learn More)

Bonus #2:

Free access to the NATF Debt Elimination PMA

with full library 
of resources to 'Beat the Bankers'. 

A  $300 Retail Value 
(Learn More)


     We have to stop here or the next step would be that we'd be paying YOU to join!
Our accountant won't let us do that!


Priced to help you begin your path to empowerment. 
All this for only $1495 one time and $49 annually therafter. 

To Join:

 Start Here