At this moment, no new plaintiffs are being added. 

The good news is, that you can still accomplish the same value and benefit all without the added expense of filing and service fees. 

The whole idea of being a plaintiff on the case was to be able to demonstrate your good faith attempt to get answers to certain questions from the IRS so that you could then proceed with your legal duties as required by law.  And while you are attempting to get those questions answered, it would be in bad faith for the IRS or anyone to proceed against you in any adverse posture with those matters pending.

We can still accomplish the same objective.

We've incorporated a lengthy and cutting edge Civil Complaint which was previously filed in Federal District Court into our documentation used in the IRS FREEDOM course.   This is submitted as an addedum to an affidavit and incorporated into the affidavit by reference bringing to light all of the causes of action outlined in the complaint (lawsuit).  

So we basically just add the lawsuit complaint to our already lethal paperwork and have that much more for the IRS to answer to.  The last thing in the world that they'd EVER want is to have this information entered as evidence in a court of public record before a jury of hard working people.   It would blow the lid right off of their scam in broad daylight.