Lighthouse Law Club

All the latest views from the Lighthouse Law Club

You'll be wishing you were positioned to be a 'PT'


Crunch Time is Now! 


I saw the writing on the wall in the late '90's and 'got the hell out'!  It's the best thing I've ever done.   Since that time I've been shouting from the rooftops that people need to cut free from the nose ring that keeps them on the corporate treadmill and learn to create independence if they have any hope of surviving our current reality.

Yet, all the while my shouting has largely fallen on deaf ears.  People are comfortable with the status quo.  'They're 'OK'.  They're 'paying the bills' and that's OK.  They're too busy to do anything more than what they're doing.  Their spouse doesn't want to rock the boat and is afraid so 'doing nothing' is the plan.  New things are 'too risky'.  They don't have the money and don't want to work any harder or do anything different, because 'things are O.K.' the way they are.  I remember giving My old football coach an excuse for why I missed a tackle.  His reply was:  'Emery - one excuse is as good as the next.  They're all the same.  They all are used to justify 'failure'!  Is that what you are?  A failure?" 

A 'PT' has the freedom to 'bug out' on a moments notice.  He's prepared a landing pad in a safer refuge if or when ever needed, or perhaps just a beautiful place to enjoy when he likes.  A 'PT' has multiple sources of independent income so that if one is ever interrupted, he's not dependent on it and the others compensate.   A 'PT' doesn't keep all his wealth in banks or financial companies 'in the system' so he's not dependent on the banks, brokers and financial 'buzzards'.   Listen to me talk on this subject with this video. 

Here's what  hundreds of thousands of people in Texas, and with Irma, soon millions on the East coast are facing because they didn't make plans to be a PT. 

- Their company has shut down.  No paycheck. 

- They lived paycheck to paycheck, the same as 78% of all workers, so no cash to do anything.

- No back up plan or place to go.  They're stuck with whatever they can get from 'Government who is coming (I assure you) 'to help you'!?

So, have a look at this message I got from one of our members just this week since Hurricane Harvey hit:


Mark I hope to talk to you today.  I’m pretty sure I have someone that wants to join.  I will talk to them tomorrow.

You know I’m in Texas right? With the ‘manmade’ hurricane Harvey’s planned devastation it’s allowed the UN to come in and clear the Texas Coast pretty far inland, displacing 480,000 people.  They have activated the FEMA camps and have declared marshal law.  I’m in the Dallas area and we are having gas shortages, fake gas shortages, I say that because we get little fuel from the Houston area. It’s only a short window of time before they will take over this state not letting anyone leave.  Remember Jade Helm??  Well they’ve gone live.  I am so scared and anxious right now I cannot sleep at all.  I am sorry but I have to ask you if you can help me get out of here.  You are the only one that can.  I don’t have anyone else. One of my goals was to move there and I have frantically been trying to generate enough money but I ran out of time.  All though I knew that September would be the month (remember 911).   I have almost depleted my cash flow but I have a car that would sell pretty quick.  I can get around 5000.00 for that and I have that investment in Karatbars VIP package which was 2000.00 I will give you.  Plus I can work from there promoting the Law Club.  I hope that the Lord empresses upon your heart to extend your hand to help me.  I’m afraid because I know there plans.  My family just doesn’t get it, they have never believed me. I’ve tried to warn everyone I know but no one wants to hear it.  I’ve been awake since 2008.  Please if you know anyone in Texas tell them to get out while they still can.

I know you're keeping up with "IRMA" this one is global and will destroy NY City, I predict that it's gonna hit on 911. They have perfected weather manipulation and what happened here in Texas was only practice for what they are doing now.  I pray to God our Father who is Self Existence and ALL KNOWING AND ALL POWERFUL that I'm wrong.  I just wish people would believe me.  I'm feeling like I have failed them because  I have no credibility.  I'm sorry!  Thanks for sending me this email.  I did pass it on to everyone I know. 

Talk to you soon,



So we should all be asking; 

-whats going on with all of these killer storms around the world (do some research) 

- whats going on with the fact that one third of the seas are dying (Pacific [Fukishima radiation], rivers turning blood red, entire populations of fish dying, birds falling out of the sky, wars and rumors of wars, threats of nuclear annihilation, chemtrails, vaccines causing countless deaths and irreparable damage, uncontrolled and growing obesity in America, uncontrolled and growing stupidity, the loss of family (God) values, social unrest and a moral free-for-all with no more social restraints?  What's up with the increased seismic activity and volcanos erupting?   I could go on, but you get the idea.

I'll tell you exactly what's going on:

- millions of God's precious  children are being brutally dismembered in the womb and many women celebrate this as a 'victory'.

- this death cult has turned into a business where baby parts can be sold for riches!

- homosexuality is promoted, celebrated and defended.

- children in kindergarten are being taught that boys can be girls and girls can be boys and that they should not use the words 'he' or 'she', or 'mom' and 'dad' because it might hurt someone in some way. 

- any male pervert in a dress can go into the restroom alone with your 8 year old daughter.

- kids are being implanted with the rfid chip in school so they can 'get lunch' easier! 

...and the list goes on.

To the point:  the USA is unequivocally in the process of receiving judgment from the hand of God.  A land which was so blessed, unlike any other in world history was God's special refuge for the world to come and prosper with freedom, family values and a Christian heritage.  Alexis de Toqueville, a visiting French jurist,  in his masterful work 'Democracy in America' is quoted in the late 1800's as saying: 'America is great, because the people of America are good'.

Those were the days, eh?

Fast forward to today and these are just a few of the signs that the times are a changing and if you're not set up as a PT now, you'll be wishing you were, very soon...

Get your money out of the banks!

Weather wars created as 'Jade Helm' goes live along with the FEMA camps. 

Genocide with weather weapons

You get the idea. 

Your own personal preparation means little to nothing if you don't get your spiritual life in order. 

This message is important...VERY IMPORTANT.
.. in that regard.  Take the time.   And here's a channel you need to subscribe to, to hear messages from Jesus with instruction on what to do in these perilous times.  

If you don't start walking the correct path, nothing you do will matter.  Hell awaits you, both here on earth and 'Below'! 


If you do, then perhaps you'll be guided to resources which can help you. 

If it fits, the Lighthouse Law Club has many of the practical, worldly resources which may help. 

As for being a PT, yes, the vials of God's judgment will be opened up and poured out on the entire world.   But if you had a choice to watch the bonfire, where would you prefer to watch it?   From the center inside the bonfire itself?  Or from the edges where it's hot but not burning you up?  

I urge all Americans to do as I did.... GET THE HELL OUT! 


In any event, Blessings to you and yours. 








COM_EASYBLOG_GUEST Saturday, 04 May 2024