About the Club

A snapshot of the Lighthouse Law Club.


The Club

The Lighthouse Law Cub is a center for advanced learning, education and advancement in both the personal and business realms. It's focus is the empowerment of its members with the tools of knowledge and access to contacts & opportunities so that we all may develop, preserve and enjoy the fruits of our labor to the maximum extent possible. Above all, we are about preserving; Life, Liberty and Prosperity as represented by the traditional American values of personal independence and self reliance. We do this for all people around the globe.

Through the resources provided by The Club, members will find a focus on the essential ingredients required for freedom to exist in an unfree world. We do this by properly positioning our personal and business assets and creating the proper relationships in the global arena. 

We call our members ‘The Mastermind Group’ which consists of successful minded, informed and forward thinking individuals who seek to manage political, financial and economic risk to their best advantage. This involves asset holdings and management structures, entities to manage business finances and creating the proper relationships to enhance personal freedom wherever you are in the world.

Listen to our founder in the short video below as he discusses The Club.

Our Philosophy

Our philosophy is simple: God created Man to be free, prosperous, creative and productive. Everything we do in The Club points toward acheiving that status.

As world governments expand their reach and control over humanity, it is becoming increasingly difficult to acheive those standards of living with any level of privacy or prosperity.

History and current events show us that to keep all of your eggs in one basket and to roll the dice on that basket being the ‘best environment’ to develop your current and future interests, is a strategy for ill informed fools.

When corruption reaches the point that government represents little more than an ongoing criminal enterprise bent on eating out the substance of the most productive people, the good, hardworking, productive elements in society have no choice but to look outside their ‘fatherland’ to secure their best interests and future freedoms.

God gave man dominion over the earth. And it is in all corners of the earth that our Mastermind Group is able to acheive our objectives.

Listen to our founder in the short video below as he discusses our philosophy.

Our Mission

Our mission is simple: To give every member of our Mastermind Group the best opportunity possible to achieve and maintain freedom and prosperity in the short and long term.

On the domestic side (USA): We start by showing members how to use the law to protect their rights, secure their assets and income streams and bolster their financial position.

From this solid base, we develop a customized strategy to ‘globalize’ current and/or future business and personal activity to maximize:

- personal and financial privacy
- legal lawsuit protection
- asset protection
- tax management & optimization
- cash flow & income enhancement
- business development

Listen to our founder in the short video below as he discusses our mission.

Why Join?

You have been successful in your business or occupation and have developed a decent net worth which you wish to preserve for your family and/or future. You understand the risks of being inextricably tied to ‘one economy’, or ‘one political system’ or ‘one currency’ so that you live or die with the fate of that ‘one thing’.

You see the value of taking advantage of multiple jurisdictions to spread that risk and ensure that you always have ‘options’ available if or when a major ‘shift’ happens.

That shift could be the result of natural disaster, economic decline, currency collapse, martial law, regime change, war, political pressure, regulatory restrictions, privacy invasions and more.

You understand that expanding your options also expands your survivability and your ability to thrive under potentially adverse conditions.

You are a forward thinker, which is why you are successful and which is why you are here now!

What We Do

Everything we do is in support of your life, your liberty and your property

Self Discovery

Your power comes from inner strength. Self discovery is critical to having ‘Power’.

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Empowerment comes from having increased capacity to exercise more and better options to reach your goals.

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Things are not always what they seem to be. To expand our capacity and options, we need to be prepared to think ‘out of the box’ and accept new paradigms.

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There is no value in complaining unless you have the solution to the problem. We do!

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Freedom can only exist when there is effective self governance which comes from the practical application of prudence & wisdom.

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Every mission requires an effective strategy. For every objective, we can explore several possible strategies.

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Tactics are the specific means and exercises employed for the success of the strategy. Long term success requires that tactics be legally compliant an unusually effective.

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People are beginning to understand that most people are controlled slaves. Our goal is to change that.

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Our Featured Projects

These are three of our HOTTEST topics!


“I had no idea this kind of information was available. I had no idea these things were possible! 
Where have you been all my life?”    - Jimmy D., Idaho Springs

“All I can say is ‘Thank God’ you people are making this effort. I’m with you all the way!” 
-Herb K. 
Boston, Mass.

“You have fought a valiant fight and I am proud to be associated
with you. I plan to recommend this … to everyone I know.    -Earl T.


Find out more about membership

As a ‘Law Club’, the members and administrators come together to share information or experiences they have or have found, with other members. The members research that information, discuss it, evaluate it, perhaps use it in various ways, perhaps not.

The ‘Club’ is an unincorporated free association of natural individuals operating without borders, without a domicile and without the 'U.S.'. It does not have any characteristics related to corporations, trusts, or partnerships and is not engaged in commerce.

The Club is not in the business of providing legal advice, counsel or direction. Members share research, experiences & ideas which may be good, bad or indifferent. We can share what has or may have worked in the past to achieve certain objectives. But surely we do not offer any promises or guarantees of results of any kind to anyone for any information or processes found within our member resources.  Our primary activity is engaging in or God-given rights to associate and free speech!

The political and legal landscape is constantly changing. For that reason, each and every member is solely responsible to verify and ensure the accuracy of anything found or shared herein. 

The essence of freedom is self-governance and that starts with personal responsibility which we encourage here at the Lighthouse Law Club.

Privacy Policy:

The information in your member profile is used for internal purposes only and will not be shared with anyone, period.  Provided that you have registered as an individual with your correct name, spelled correctly (in upper and lower case) there is no appellate court which has jurisdiction with or without whatever paperwork they want to produce and any attempts to draw an individual into appellate jurisdiction from The Club’s perspective, will be lawfully rebuked absent a bona fide contract under which club admin might be bound.

Member Terms and Conditions:

All members agree to treat each other with honor and respect at all times. The underlying common thread expected from all members is to always act in ‘good faith’ with 'clean hands' and 'full disclosure'.

Membership is personal and for personal use only.  Credentials are not to be shared with anyone other than a spouse and/or other direct family members living in the same household.

Where disagreements occur between members, settle the issue between yourselves first. It that is not possible, only then bring it to the attention of the club admin whereupon three arbiters will be appointed from among the membership and their decision will be final.   If you have a disagreement with Club Admin which cannot be resolved to your satisfaction, 3 members in good standing will arbitrate the matter and their decision will be final.

‘The Club’ reserves the right to expel any member solely at the discretion of the club admin, for cause, or any reason which could bring disharmony, disrepute or damage to the club, its members or its proper functioning. 

Once a member has logged in to the member website, he is deemed to have full access to all resources which is the quid pro quo having received the full benefit of his/her membership.   Thereafter, any or all donations made to PCF are non-refundable and irreversible. 

Each member retains sole and exclusive responsibility for any information used or derived from what is available from The Lighthouse Law Club and shall hold harmless any other party involved, whoever it shall be.

The above applies to grandfathered Constitutional Commando members (membership no longer available) and Global Entrepreneur members, past present and future.

The direction of the Law Club is simple:
1. Empower People
2. Reduce government meddling in our lives
3. Restore the Republic (Self governance with Freedom and Prosperity)

1. 3 important areas relating to empowerment include: knowledge, personal finances and spiritual strength. Bolster these 3 areas and you will be
a force to contend with! We’ll show you how.
2. With new found understanding of the law, in many cases you can simply tell government busybodies to just take a hike! We’ll show you how!
3. In order for America to survive as we know it, we’ll have to ‘Restore the Republic’. There is no alternative. The path is clear and we have a plan!

Collectively, it is imperative that concerned citizens get pro-active now in a variety of areas if we are going to save the republic. We are sliding down
a slippery slope and are already halfway down the hill, headed for the abyss.

If we do go over the edge, and we’re close, we’ll never return to the America we grew up in.  We need to start taking drastic action NOW!

It all starts with education, communication, and coordination. The Lighthouse Law Club is intended to be a central tool contributing to that effort.

We hope that you use it wisely and often!

The spirit of The Lighthouse Law Club (LLC) originated with the pilgrims who emigrated on the Mayflower in 1620 to flee religious persecution.  They risked their lives to seek the freedom to live according to their beliefs.  Today, we find ourselves in much the same position as the pilgrims did when they fled the tyranny of King James who would have them arrested and thrown in jail for refusing to participate in 'the sanctioned church' rituals.  

The LLC stands as the beacon of freedom to guide modern-day pilgrims into safe harbor where they can get off the law of the sea (admiralty) and come upon the land of the several states and be under the protection of the law of the republic which is separate and apart from the corporate democracy of Washington D.C. (King James)  

The law club is a team effort by multiple contributors from across the nation and beyond. The intent is that the number of independent contributors continues to grow to a point of creating enough critical mass to effect change.

LLC is the brainchild of Mark-Emery:Boswell who is a controversial international entrepreneur, financier, speaker, author, radio talk show host, freedom activist, social worker and perpetual law student.  As a student of the law since the early 90's he has studied and learned from some of the sharpest minds available in the field of ‘pro se’ litigation, individual rights, commercial law, common law and related subject matter.

He has directly taken on ‘The Beast’ on more than one occasion. He has fought the IRS and won. He has taken on the courts, state officials and has even been on the receiving end of a nasty predawn S.W.A.T. raid having upset the local power structure. He has generally been in the trenches going ‘mano a mano’ for several years. His long list of exploits cannot be detailed here but are found detailed in two books you can find on www.onefreemanswar.com

He has been attacked, smeared, vilified, chased, arrested and imprisoned in some cases more than once. Various attempts have been made to discredit him and ruin his good name, but he doesn’t hide from those attacks, apologize or back down. Those who have the ‘eyes to see and the ears to hear’ will know ‘what’ or ‘who’ they are looking at. Others of shallow intellect will run at first blush. He is, after all, a convicted felon which, if you know his story, is his ‘badge of honor’. Rather than cast a negative pall over his name, it only adds to his credentials and experience.  You've heard that "It's dangerous to be right when your government is wrong"  and when one stands up for truth in the face of tyranny 'despite' the potential consequences, and doesn't back down, well, we need more Americans like that today.

Since the early 90’s he has studied intently under the tutelage of people such as: Phil and Marlene Marsh of the Pilot Connection, Howard Freeman, The Barristers Inn School of Common Law headed then by John Hallstrom and the late George Gordon. He has worked personally with the brilliant minds and accomplished researchers of Hartford Van Dyke, Dr. Eugene Schroder, and the late Dan Meador.

Mark has personally attended several extensive training sessions with the late Leroy Schweitzer, Dan Petersen, Russ Landers and the other ‘Montana Freemen’. He has spent countless hours for years doing research in the law library of the Supreme Court of The State of Colorado and the University of Denver.

And the result of all this is that he has applied what he has learned to live a life of freedom, peace and splendor in God’s beautiful creation! He is a walking example of the power of knowledge and living fearlessly with the strength of the Holy Spirit.

Having previously launched a successful local law club in Denver, Colorado in the 90’s, due to the perilous state that we find the republic in today, it is high time we bring the concept to the nation and the world.  the Lighthouse Law Club is now online in an effort to restore the republic and your future as an individual of a ‘freeman character’.



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