About the Club

A snapshot of the Lighthouse Law Club.


The Club

The Lighthouse Law Cub is a center for advanced learning, education and advancement in both the personal and business realms. It's focus is the empowerment of its members with the tools of knowledge and access to contacts & opportunities so that we all may develop, preserve and enjoy the fruits of our labor to the maximum extent possible. Above all, we are about preserving; Life, Liberty and Prosperity as represented by the traditional American values of personal independence and self reliance. We do this for all people around the globe.

Through the resources provided by The Club, members will find a focus on the essential ingredients required for freedom to exist in an unfree world. We do this by properly positioning our personal and business assets and creating the proper relationships in the global arena. 

We call our members ‘The Mastermind Group’ which consists of successful minded, informed and forward thinking individuals who seek to manage political, financial and economic risk to their best advantage. This involves asset holdings and management structures, entities to manage business finances and creating the proper relationships to enhance personal freedom wherever you are in the world.

Listen to our founder in the short video below as he discusses The Club.

Our Philosophy

Our philosophy is simple: God created Man to be free, prosperous, creative and productive. Everything we do in The Club points toward acheiving that status.

As world governments expand their reach and control over humanity, it is becoming increasingly difficult to acheive those standards of living with any level of privacy or prosperity.

History and current events show us that to keep all of your eggs in one basket and to roll the dice on that basket being the ‘best environment’ to develop your current and future interests, is a strategy for ill informed fools.

When corruption reaches the point that government represents little more than an ongoing criminal enterprise bent on eating out the substance of the most productive people, the good, hardworking, productive elements in society have no choice but to look outside their ‘fatherland’ to secure their best interests and future freedoms.

God gave man dominion over the earth. And it is in all corners of the earth that our Mastermind Group is able to acheive our objectives.

Listen to our founder in the short video below as he discusses our philosophy.

Our Mission

Our mission is simple: To give every member of our Mastermind Group the best opportunity possible to achieve and maintain freedom and prosperity in the short and long term.

On the domestic side (USA): We start by showing members how to use the law to protect their rights, secure their assets and income streams and bolster their financial position.

From this solid base, we develop a customized strategy to ‘globalize’ current and/or future business and personal activity to maximize:

- personal and financial privacy
- legal lawsuit protection
- asset protection
- tax management & optimization
- cash flow & income enhancement
- business development

Listen to our founder in the short video below as he discusses our mission.

Why Join?

You have been successful in your business or occupation and have developed a decent net worth which you wish to preserve for your family and/or future. You understand the risks of being inextricably tied to ‘one economy’, or ‘one political system’ or ‘one currency’ so that you live or die with the fate of that ‘one thing’.

You see the value of taking advantage of multiple jurisdictions to spread that risk and ensure that you always have ‘options’ available if or when a major ‘shift’ happens.

That shift could be the result of natural disaster, economic decline, currency collapse, martial law, regime change, war, political pressure, regulatory restrictions, privacy invasions and more.

You understand that expanding your options also expands your survivability and your ability to thrive under potentially adverse conditions.

You are a forward thinker, which is why you are successful and which is why you are here now!

What We Do

Everything we do is in support of your life, your liberty and your property

Self Discovery

Your power comes from inner strength. Self discovery is critical to having ‘Power’.

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Empowerment comes from having increased capacity to exercise more and better options to reach your goals.

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Things are not always what they seem to be. To expand our capacity and options, we need to be prepared to think ‘out of the box’ and accept new paradigms.

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There is no value in complaining unless you have the solution to the problem. We do!

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Freedom can only exist when there is effective self governance which comes from the practical application of prudence & wisdom.

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Every mission requires an effective strategy. For every objective, we can explore several possible strategies.

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Tactics are the specific means and exercises employed for the success of the strategy. Long term success requires that tactics be legally compliant an unusually effective.

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People are beginning to understand that most people are controlled slaves. Our goal is to change that.

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Our Featured Projects

These are three of our HOTTEST topics!


“I had no idea this kind of information was available. I had no idea these things were possible! 
Where have you been all my life?”    - Jimmy D., Idaho Springs

“All I can say is ‘Thank God’ you people are making this effort. I’m with you all the way!” 
-Herb K. 
Boston, Mass.

“You have fought a valiant fight and I am proud to be associated
with you. I plan to recommend this … to everyone I know.    -Earl T.


Find out more about membership

The Plan

If you haven’t already downloaded ‘The Plan to Restore the Republic’ and have studied it in detail, you can do so here.

Click Here to download.

This pdf document was written so that it could be used as our ‘calling card’.

It encapsulates our mission and our message and the benefits one might expect by being involved.

We encourage you to send emails to everyone on your list and include this attachment. Invite them to have a quick look and share their opinion with you. Start a conversation. Spread the word!

The only way for us to build momentum and critical mass enough to make a change for the better is for everyone to do their part to ‘share the good news!

Thanks for being on ‘the team’ and for doing your part!

Our Platform

Below is a skeleton outline of the platform we are putting together which will represent our beliefs, values and goals which we feel work to serve the interests of everyone. Our country has lost some of these values and while we certainly don’t presume to be able to impose these beliefs on anyone, we certainly can hold these up in high esteem and celebrate them and promote them in the public square. Stay tuned for the complete, elaborated platform. We’ll announce it in the forum or the newsletter.

Government of, by and for the people
Organic Judiciary of the people - nonprofessional, non-union
Smaller more responsive government
Reduce/eliminate many fees/taxes
Right to travel, labor
Limited federal power - enforced
States' rights
Energy independence

Limited Terms - non professionals
No social involvement
Balanced budget

Childhood / innocence
Civic duty
America first, exceptionalism
Self esteem, achievement
Civility, respect isn't free, ladies and gentlemen,

Higher power
No distractions / enlightenment
Wholesomeness / clean living
Be your own leader, no cues from gov't
Natural order
Ease suffering, charity
Honor thy father and mother

Members Only

  This is the log-in page to be used ONLY for pre-approved, pre-paid members who have the FULL MEMBERSHIP or GLOBAL ENTREPRENEUR MEMBERSHIP.  If you have not paid the membership fee then this page is NOT for you.


Sadly, we have many non-members attempting to log in here without credentials and the attempt is recorded.  This is silly because they get nowhere without pre-approval and all they accomplish is to demonstrate an inability to read or follow instructions and ultimately a willful act of BAD FAITH which tells us right up front that this is NOT the type of person we want as a member.   If that's what you want to do, then go ahead and attempt to log in to get on our blacklist.

If you are a qualified member, then please log in and enjoy the benefits and use them well! 


Thanks for your understanding and cooperation.  

Local Control vs. the Feds

If you haven’t already done so, please download ‘The Plan to Restore the Republic’ and read it carefully. This is the basis for what we are talking about here. To download the pdf - Click Here

It is becoming increasingly obvious that our lawful republic, our nation of laws which is designed to protect and preserve our rights, our peace and everyones’ equal right to seek and achieve a good life, is being dismantled by foreign money powers who own the elected or appointed ‘officials’ who in turn hold themselves above the law.

We get news every day how elected leaders routinely lie to the people and as soon as they get elected their first vote is contrary to their platform. We hear how the courts do not honor the law and are merely used as political weapons to be used to preserve the ‘business’ of those in power and the people are trampled in court.

We also see how police can routinely commit murder and get away with it when the ‘system’ protects them as a ‘special class’ which is above the law. We all know the stories (or should).

This has to change. It can only change if you, your friends and associates, and your entire community stand up and do something about it. YOU must take control of your community, your city elders, your police and the courts. I said YOU not ‘somebody else’!

Until these people know first hand, that the people are in control and will hold them accountable, they will simply continue raping and pillaging the public with criminal activity! It’s up to you! What are you going to do about it?

It starts with your local Lighthouse Law Club chapter. Start with a core group of concerned citizens meeting on a regular basis. Communicate in between meetings via Skype or web conference. Study & learn the law and the obligations of your public officials. Network with other groups of a like mind. Do some research and find out what other groups exist in your area who might share your concerns and network with them to form a coalition to retake control of your community from foreign corporations. ‘Foreign’ is used to mean apart and distinct from the peoples’ common law which exists in the republic, i.e. municipal corporation as a subdivision of USA Inc.

As a part of your ‘Coalition Building’ your top priority is to align with other like minded civic groups to get some numbers represented, then go get your Sheriff working with you. He needs to understand who you are, what you do, what your aims are and that you are there to support him in the execution of his lawful duties. He needs to know that he has support to do ‘the right thing’. As the highest law officer in the county, he has the right and the duty to quash unlawful activity (Fed agency mischief) and to either arrest or expel perpetrators of unlawful activity.

There have been several documented cases of the local county Sheriff telling the feds to pack up and take the next plane out of Dodge! This is what we need and we can do this.

Please inform your sheriff that you expect him to join and participate in the ‘Constitutional Sheriff and Peace Officers’ Association’ www.cspoa.org and Oath Keepers found at www.oathkeepers.org Get to know the deputies and invite them to your Law Club meetings. Meet with them either formally or informally just to chat and build relationships. If they resist your invitations or seem contrary to your intended goals, then this should raise a huge red flag and the public would need to know this and start questioning their allegiances!

The root of the peoples’ power stems from their right to set their own courts which include only the people and the Sheriff (no attorneys or STATE!). We’ll deal with this critically important issue separately on the other pages in this section.

As for the usurpation of local authority, among the several states, by the municipal corporation known as the UNITED STATES and its various subdivisions, the best research we have seen is that which was done by Leroy Schweitzer and his team.

We present here, their work, and we formally request reply with either acquiescence or point for point rebuttal from the U.S. federal judiciary.


Study this ‘Presentment’ in detail. It is stellar and will form your basis of understanding what the feds ‘Can’ and ‘Cannot’ do. This is essential learning.

Next, we have a wonderful treatment of the Sheriff’s responsibilities written by one of the Montana Freemen while he was in jail corresponding with the county Sheriff.

This is a Must Read! Click Here for Brief in Support of Lawful discharge of Sheriff´s duties

The book below is must reading for all Americans. The true story of the Montana Freeman must live in the hearts of all Americans and we cannot let it die. It is fascinating, compelling and revealing! It’s a short and easy read!

If you care to read a detailed account of my personal interactions with the Freemen, among many other interesting and educational stories, get the book: ONE FREEMANS WAR IN THE SECOND AMERICAN REVOLUTION. Find out more at www.onefreemanswar.com


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