Don’t Argue, Agree with a Conditional Offer
As you know, there is a never ending supply of information, research, discussion and legal theory about the IRS and what to do about them. Most of the ideas floating around the freedom movement take the position that:
… ‘No! That’s not right! I don’t owe that! This is the law! I am not subject! I am not federal citizen! …or whatever the argument is. This puts you in the position of arguing points of law which the IRS won’t acknowledge and if or when you end up in court, even when you are correct, the court will defend the IRS and certainly won’t allow you to establish precedent by agreeing in a court of public record that ‘you are not subject’! It just ain’t gonna happen!
Instead, the approach I take in the IRS FREEDOM course basically boils down to several approaches, all of which take the same stance.
1… OK. I agree. I’ll pay that. I am subject. You have jurisdiction. No arguments. I am subject to the law. You are too! So please just show me a), b), c) and d) to establish your good standing and compliance with the law as it applies to being a creditor acting in good faith and I’ll pay! (Conditional Offer) Of course we know that what we’re asking for is impossible to produce because it doesn’t exist. Case closed.
2… OK. I agree. I am subject and you have jurisdiction. No problem. Just please tell me how 26 USC § 83 factored into your caluculations. (Section 83 comes right from the IRC which says your property, on a cost value basis (labor and compensation therefrom) is not subject to subtitle A income taxes.
3… I want to pay my ‘fair share’, I’m attempting to honor my legal duties, I’ve done the research and have these little conflicts in the law that I’ve found and as soon as you can help clarify these for me by telling me the correct position to take, if that position is different than the conclusions I’ve come up with myself, then I’ll be filing and paying what’s due. If you don’t clarify for me, then my own conclusions must stand as the prima facie case. I’m trying, just help me out here.
And of course the documents used are fully supported by more legal references than you could shake a stick at and the memorandum of law is substantial.
4… Last but not least, by being up front and honest, doing your homework to research your legal duties and making every attempt at complying with the law you have established the record to reflect that you are making every attempt to honor your legal requirements. Your documentation shows your good faith attempt. This eliminates ‘wilfullness’ which is a necessary element to ever prove any sort of ‘criminal intent’ to avoid your lawful duty. So you’ll never have to deal with threats or actual criminal charges relating to IRS issues. Next, when you position yourself, your assets and your income so that they are untouchable, the IRS nor the courts can touch any of your ‘stuff’. So if they can’t put you in jail and if they can’t steal your stuff, YOU’RE IMMUNE~! That’s freedom!
This is the approach we take in the IRS FREEDOM course which you need if you want to change your relationship with the IRS.
This course is included in your membership and is found in the ADVANCED TRAINING LIBRARIES.
Notice & Disclaimer: You must understand that when you’re dealing with the IRS, you’re dealing with thieves and criminals. They don’t give a damn about the law or what you send them. When they get your documentation they’re not just going to ‘go away’. If they can steal from you they will! Which means that the IRS Freedom Course is your final ‘Goodbye’ ONLY after you have protected yourself.
How are you protected? You have supplemental cash flow to cover you if they want to garnish your paycheck or clean out your bank account. Of course it only makes sense that you do better than that. If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a hundred times…. QUIT YOUR JOB AND BUILD A BUSINESS!
So, you ask, what’s the point then of the IRS Freedom Course?
What this does is to establish the record in clear and no uncertain terms that you are operating in good faith, in accordance with the law, and they are not. This eliminates any possible criminal accusations against you that you are ‘willfully’ violating the law. So, be sure to view the Video Workshop ‘Previous Taxpayer’ to understand that once you block the two roads that the IRS travels on, which are ‘civil actions’ and ‘criminal actions’ there is absolutely nothing they can do to you. So it boils down to making your cash, accounts and assets ‘untouchable’ to protect yourself. Then, setting the record straight as to who is lawful and who is not.
By following this process correctly, they can’t steal your stuff and they can’t haul you to jail, Then just say ‘Goodbye’ forever!
But don’t be surprised if they try to steal from you whatever they can after they ignore your paperwork!
You’ve been advised!