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Full Member Benefits

Lighthouse Law Club

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Full member benefits outline:

Disclaimer:   THE LIGHTHOUSE LAW CLUB is a self study – self help program with the only intent and purpose being to help you expand your knowledge and education on a wide variety of topics.  We make no claims of performance or results of any kind and any information you may use from our libraries is entirely at your own risk and responsibility.  Nothing works for everyone all the time and in our world of corruption at every level, you must be prepared to stand on your own two feet to meet any challenges which come along.  This is where ‘know how’ is of vital importance. The more you know, the better your chances are of fending off evil and corruption when it rears its ugly head. We do not take on cases and we offer no form of legal or financial advice or services. However, our resources and support are invaluable and may make all the difference!

The following is an abbreviated outline of the benefits of being a Full Member in the law club.

People Ask: ‘What’s Included?’
Here’s the answer…

In brief, numerous files, folders and resources on;

Legal Defense
Case Dismissal & Jurisdiction Challenges
Holding Wrongdoers  Accountable
Private Administrative Processes
Commercial Processes
Uncovering Mortgage Fraud
Putting a Stop to Foreclosure
Eliminate Credit Card Debt Lawfully
Credit Creation as a Private Banker
UCC Remedies in Finance and Banking
Obtaining Total Immunity from Babylonian Rules and Regs

Tax Exemption
Removing Property from Country Tax Roles
Setting up as an Auxiliary to an Embassy
Business Funding & Profitability Enhancements
Living Free as a PT & The 5 Flag Strategy
Financial Privacy
Business Trusts
Alternate Banking
Economic Independence
Generating Passive Cash Flow
Mortgage Payoff
Recoup all Payments Made from Bank Accounts
Legal Status Change
…and more

Achieve success in any ONE of the above topics and this membership is worth tens of thousands of dollars!

1. The Full 'Lifetime' Membership Also Includes;

  • Subsection: Withholding
  • Subsection: Liens & Levies
  • Subsection: FATCA & SARS
  • Subsection: Decoding the IMF
  • Subsection: Salvation in Section 83
  • Subsection: Dealing with Demands for Payment
  • Subsection: To File or not to File?
  • Subsection: Frivolous arguments lead to trouble
  • Subsection: Don’t Argue – Agree with a Conditional Offer

2. The Money Book

Turning the Tables On the Money Changers

The Remedy for Bank Fraud

If you have a credit card or bank loan, line of credit or the like…you were defrauded.  You funded the entire operation.  The bank gave you nothing.  This process has been confirmed and books have been written in painstaking detail by a CPA and Bank Auditor.  There are effective, lawful ways of exposing this and establishing that you were fraudulently induced into signing an adhesion contract without fully informed consent which is a violation of law.  What this means is that you can nullify your signature, cancel the contract, recoup what you’ve paid and start to seek damages.  We have a special arrangement for members to follow a detailed course which will not only educate you on the subject but also take you step by step through the process and provide you with legal research and sample documents.  If you have ever dreamed of becoming debt free, follow this course and your dreams are likely to come true!

Plus there's more with: Advanced Training Libraries

  •  Initial Contact
  • Winning in Court
  • Strategic Boot Camp
  • Uncovering Bribes
  • Travel by Right
  • The Art and Science of Financial Privacy
  • The Life and Lifestyle of the PT
  • The Insiders Rolodex

Books, Charts, White-papers, and Research Documents to Download.

  • Asset Protection: 3 very rare and powerful finds you will cherish!
  • Business Banking & Finance: 7 different treasures
  • Common-Law: 5 historical treatises which you are unlikely to find anywhere else!
  • Contract & Commercial Law: 15 powerful revelations of historical importance and useful documents you can use today.
  • The PT Lifestyle, Preparation & Escape: 3 Classic Writings to move you to the ‘next level’ in your strategy
  • Right to Travel: 3 critical writings on this important issue.
  • Self Defense & Survival: 13 different training sessions on practical ways to defend yourself in everyday life.
  • Uniform Commercial Code: 4 Quick Reference Charts to help you immediately understand the UCC.

Members Forum

Private Consultations

Recommended Services

Video Workshops

We’re adding new information on a regular basis.

One cannot put a true value on being able to implement all of the above in your life. This membership should be priced at a minimum of $10,000 and that would be cheap in view of the benefits. But our mission is 'Freedom' more than profit. Therefore, Full Membership is Priced rediculously low to help you begin your path to empowerment.

Plan B

If the above is just not possible right now, then the absolute bare minimum that you need to do is to join our Fireside Chats for solutions and support in Legal, Financial and Spiritual issues of the day.  Consider this your Lighthouse ‘Incubator’ for less than 2 Starbucks coffees a week or only $39 a month.  Learn More…

There should be no doubt...

I look forward to assisting you in the attainment  of enhanced knowledge, freedom and success!

Mark Emery
Freedom Lover and
Ambassador for the Kingdom of Heaven
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