Lighthouse Law Club

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Property Taxes are Theft from God and Man


Government has declared war against the people



Property Taxes are Theft from God and man.


In our previous blog post ‘Governments are Not Sovereign’ we discussed how Naboth refused to sell his land to king Ahab because it would violate God’s law and would alienate the inheritance he needs to leave for his family.  Naboth has a duty to preserve his family’s inheritance which honors them and God and is part and parcel to being a good steward of God’s blessings.


Naboth understood that the land was not his to sell.  It belonged to God.  God said: “the land shall not be sold forever, for the land is mine; for ye are strangers and sojourners with me”  Leviticus 25:23.


One of the most egregious affronts to God’s sovereignty is the property tax.  Government completely encroaches upon God’s sovereignty and completely destroys individual property rights by interposing itself as ‘the sovereign’ in place of God and making unlawful demands upon man and his property rights.


There is only one creator and possessor of the earth and it’s not ‘government’.  When government taxes property, it is, in essence, claiming ownership.  So in order to tax property, government must usurp the power and position of God which is a huge error and willful transgression.


Scripture makes it clear that everything in the earth belongs to the Lord.  Psalm 24:1-2 declares;


“ The earth is the Lord’s, and the fullness thereof, the work, and they that dwell therein.  For he hath founded it upon the seas and established it upon the floods.”


Government is ‘the created’.  It is created by and for the people who are the owners and controllers of government.   Therefore, we have to ask, how does the ‘created’ usurp the power over its master, the ‘creator’ who are the people and dispossess them of their property rights?


God created the land and he created man.  Man serves God.  Man created government to serve him.  So government is intended to be the servant to both  man and God.  This is the hierarchy of order.


When government claims sovereignty and ownership of property it has usurped the authority of its creator, man and ultimately man’s creator God.


Property taxes destroy property rights by setting up the confiscation of property.  It is nothing short of wicked robbery.   Robbery comes in the form of collecting unGodly and unlawful ‘tribute’ in addition to seizing the land and the inheritance of the people.  


It’s quite clear that when property can be taxed and seized for failure to pay the tax, there is no such thing as private property rights.  This system is nothing more than a modern day fiefdom where tenants are paying fealty to the king for use of the king’s land.   Fail to pay rent to the king and your ‘property rights’ are terminated!   It’s very simple.  Thus, the entire concept of private property ownership under this system is a complete fraud.   You have ‘tenancy’ not ownership.


Since the system is set up to always ensure the same end result, the only reasonable or logical conclusion one can draw is that robbery and control of the people, government’s master and creator, is the ultimate purpose and motive.


When people are dispossessed of their land which is their family’s inheritance, they then become more dependent on government to support them and are not in a position to argue any policies the government may have.  They either play to the tune of their government master, or the benefits they count on to survive, get cut off.   See how that works?


This is nothing short of insurrection and war against the republic, the people, their property, peace, prosperity and progeny.


In the end, through the forceful imposition of property taxes, government steals from God and man, which is a very bad place to be. 


“But the meek shall inherit the earth; and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace…For such as be blessed of him shall inherit the earth; and they that be cursed of him shall be cut off…Wait on the LOES, and keep his way, and he shall exalt thee to inherit the land: when the wicked are cut off, thou shalt see it.  I have seen the wicked in great power, and spreading himself like a green bay tree.  Yet he passed away, and lo, he was not: yea, I sought him but he could not be found.  Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright: for the end of that man is peace.  But the transgressors shall be destroyed together: the end of the wicked shall be cut off.  But the salvation of the righteous is of the LORD; he is their strength in the time of trouble.”  - Psalm 37:11, 22, 34-39


Note:  Law Club members are studying the legal issues and procedures for removing property from the tax roles legally AND lawfully!  This study originates from one who has already done it! 




    david williams Tuesday, 09 May 2017

    I read a book called the Book of Enoch, one section tells where the Church and State shall be greatly held accountable for trangressions against people, and while any people who have used and abused others ( slavery) shall receive their just due, the Church and State, due to those entities having the opportunity to administer God's law and kingdom, failed to do so taking the greater weight of all. Also see Justinian Code paper wherein mans domain is clearly being stolen by deceiving, use of the forbidden DEAD, with these same powers of Church and State. God gives life, our bodies, all things are of God, the state is or should be a service to all of mankind not a self serving business destroying and doing just the opposite of the Lord's good works that are for the benefit of all. What one thing God says in the Bible "If they only loved me as much as I love them" meaning all of us shows the deceit of the states special privilege corrupted system to be far off course even having forbidden God's laws from the courts where once the commandments held a place high above the laws of men.


COM_EASYBLOG_GUEST Saturday, 27 April 2024